3 Top Reasons for Acne: Amazing Organic Herbs for Acne Skin

Acne is caused by excess oil production in hair follicles, dead skin cells, and bacteria in the pores, and increased hormonal activity. Some of the factors are influenced by genetics, and many unhealthy lifestyle behaviors can contribute to acne. Acne originates from the skin hair follicles and oil glands. The most common cause includes an excess of oil and blocked pores. Our skin is full of pores, and they are tiny openings from where follicles, sweat, and oil come out. Pore with oil glands causes severe acne. Our hand's palms and soles of feet do not have these glands. Therefore, we do not get acne there. Sebum is the oil that the skin produces. Sebum aims to keep the skin moist; however, too much oil can clog pores and cause acne. However, we can cure acne by adopting a healthy lifestyle and by using organic herbs for acne.

1. Reasons for Acne

We all have a question in our mind: what are the basic reasons for acne and how to get rid of acne. Following are the major reasons for acne:

Your Hair Follicles Produce Too Much Oil

The more you have on your face, the more acne you get. A lot of oil production can also relate to genetics. For example, if you have a four times higher risk of having acne if a first-degree relative has it. There are a few behaviors that can lead to increased production of oil. Not washing your face appropriately is one, and that is a term of frequency and what kind of product you are using to wash your face. We should wash our face twice daily and even more than this if you sweat after a workout or wear a helmet. Sweat can cause bacteria to build upon the skin.

Dead Skin Cells and Bacteria Build Up In Your Pores

Propionibacterium acnes is a common bacteria found on the face and can cause acne. When combined with oil or dead skin cells, dead skin cells can accumulate in p006Fres when you do not wash your face properly. Bacteria can be able to eat those skin cells and increase the pores. Many bacteria are lying around us, and now they can be trapped inside with a plug of dead skin cells. This is a perfect recipe to experience inflammation for the body. Inflammation occurs when the body rushes white blood vessels to an area of fight against infection.

Hormonal Activity Can Trigger Acne

Androgens are masculinizing hormones such as testosterone that help in oil production in the skin. Androgen is higher in males because they get thicker, oilier skin with more hair production. However, women also have androgen hormones. In kids, a lot of androgens are not present in their bodies. Once the puberty period increases, the level of androgen increases and causes the body to go through some changes.

1.2 Best Organic Herbs for Acne Treatment

Following are the best herbal remedy for pimples treatment that you can do at home:


Manjistha is a perennial herb that is popular in Ayurvedic medicine. It helps to support the lymphatic system that is critical to healthy skin. In addition, Manjistha has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacteria. And ant androgenic properties that can help to prevent and treat acne.


Neem is another popular Ayurvedic herb. Neem oil contains compounds that have different properties such as:

  • antibacterial
  • antifungal
  • antiseptic
  • antioxidant
  • anti-inflammatory

Traditional therapeutic use of neem is to treat skin conditions such as acne, eczema, etc. Neem has antibacterial activity against many micro-organisms, including Staphylococcus, a bacterium linked to acne.

Tea Tree

Tea tree is an herb used for acne treatment and many other skin problems such as wounds, and it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the number of acne lesions. Tea tree takes longer to work but has only a few side effects: itching, irritation, and redness.


Hormonal issues and an unhealthy lifestyle cause acne. Therefore, we should keep our focus on eating healthy food, and we can also use herbal products for acne compared to pharmaceutical medicines with many side effects. You can buy herbal medicine from NO.1 herbal products company according to your acne condition from "Ajmal Dawakhana."

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