Lung Disorders And Causes: 2 Incredible Herbs For Lungs Health

Lung diseases are disorders that affect the lungs. Because of lung disease, breathing problems occur that can prevent the body from getting enough energy. Following are the examples of lung diseases such:

  • Asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis
  • Lung cancer
  • Infections like influenza and pneumonia
  • Sarcoidosis and pulmonary fibrosis


In the market, herbs for lungs health are available in different forms.

Causing Factors Of Lung Diseases

Following are the main factors that can cause lung diseases like lung cancer:


Smoking is the major cause of lung disease, smoke from cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. If you are a smoker, quit smoking. If you are living work with a person who smokes, then avoid passive smoking. Instead, ask the smokers to smoke outdoors. Passive smoking is very harmful to babies and young children.


It is the colourless, odourless gas present in many homes and a recognized cause of lung cancer. You can check for radon with a kit bought at many stores of hardware. It can be reduced in the home if you find out there are high levels of this gas.


It is the natural mineral fibre used in fireproofing materials, car brakes, and many other products. Asbestos can give off the tiny small fibres you cannot even see and can be inhaled. It can harm the lung cell and causes lung scarring and even lung cancer. Asbestos can cause mesothelioma, and it is cancer that forms in the tissue covering the lungs and many other organs of the body.

Air Pollution

Some studies showed that air pollutants like car exhaust could contribute to different conditions like asthma, lung cancer, COPD and other lung diseases.

Herbs To Make Lungs Healthy

Following are the herbs that can make your lungs healthy. You can also use these herbs in different home remedies for lung disease:

Mullein (One Of The Best Herbs For Lungs Health)

It is a supreme, safe respiratory toner and can help to open the lungs, ease the spasms, tightness, and cough. In addition, mullein can help to soothe irritation and dryness. It is the common weed that can be wildcrafted and prefers sunny, open meadows and gardens. It will move around from year to year because it is a self-seeding biennial. To make tea, natural lung drugs, steam or tincture, its harvest happy-looking leaves used throughout the seasons. This is the best time to harvest the leaves and easily mistaken for other herbs, including the foxglove.

Mullein flowers have similar benefits but are tedious to harvest. V.densiflorum and V. olympicum can produce the bigger flowers candelabras, and you can also use their flowers and leaves. It has a mild flavour and aroma. Strain the irritating hairs through a paper filter or cloth. It is also effective to ease the hysteria symptoms.

Horehound Leaf (Marrubium Vulgare)

It is one of the famous coughs drop and cough syrup ingredients that can help to ease spasms and loosens and mucus linked with wet coughs. It shows incredible effects if the mucus is excessive, including sinus infection, chest congestion, allergies, and post-nasal drip. This herb is best cultivated on a dry, sunny day and will die off in rich, mulched soil if it gets too soggy. It is best to use as a fresh plant tincture, in syrup or honey. It doesn't taste very pleasant. Commercially it is available in dried horehound and tends to be of terrible quality. You can also you the dry leaves in remedies that include capsules or tea without losing potency and can be used for lung disease treatment.


To keep the lungs healthy, it is important to stay away from smoking and drinking habit. You can also buy natural herbal products for lung diseases from "Ajmal Dawakhana".

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