Herbal Cure For Diabetes


For health promotion, herbal cure for diabetes (sugar ka treatment) has put a milestone in opposing associated life-threatening conditions. Herbal cure of diabetes includes various lifestyle changes, dietary habits, single herbs along herbal formulations. Before moving towards the cure of disease, it is good to know what diabetes is and why we need treatments to cure it.


Diabetes Information

What is diabetes?

When the sugar level in the blood increases from its normal quantities, medically we call the situation diabetes.

Other terminologies for diabetes

We use the word ‘Sugar’ instead of ‘diabetes in common. While ‘Ziabetus’ is a Unani term for diabetes.

What are the types of sugar?

Sugar (Diabetes) is either insulin-dependent or insulin-independent.

Insulin-dependent sugar

Sometimes our pancreas is unable to make insulin for our body or makes insufficient insulin. We call it insulin-dependent sugar or type-1 diabetes (T1D).

Insulin-independent sugar

It is a condition when our body produces enough insulin but our body cells cease to respond to it. We call it insulin-independent sugar or type-2 diabetes (T2D).

General causes of sugar

A person becomes diabetic due to the following causes:

  • Physical idleness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Unhygienic diet
  • Genetical basis
  • Persistent emotional stress (physical tension)

Cure for diabetes (sugar ka treatment)

We cannot get rid of sugar too easily. We deal with all the symptoms of sugar to control the disease. Victims normally lean more towards the herbal cure of diabetes (sugar ka treatment). It is now proved from the research that herbal cures are amazingly good especially for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

It is dangerous for a patient to add up any substance without assurance to lower blood sugar. As it can lead them towards a condition called, hypoglycemia. This condition is even more dangerous. The herbal cures for sugar (sugar ka treatment) are beneficial, only if you take them as per the instructions of your consultant.

Some herbal cures for sugar

Herbal cures include various single herbs and some simple food hacks from your kitchen.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It contains acetic acid as a primary compound. Acetic acid helps incomplete digestion of food and gives various health benefits in sugar treatment (sugar ka treatment). The doctors normally recommend taking 2 tablespoons of ACV before bedtime. This routine helps in dealing with fasting glucose levels. They also suggest mixing the vinegar with salad and having it with your meal. If you take a carbohydrate-rich diet, this activity can help to diminish the glycemic burden.

Aloe juice

We can extract the aloe juice from the gel inside the Aloe Vera plant. The pieces of evidence on Aloe Vera plant research show that its leaves show laxative effects. So, the researcher prohibits the use of the leaf. Perhaps, the juice from plant sap is beneficial in lowering:

  • FBG (fasting blood sugar)
  • HbA1c (hemoglobin A1c- 3 months average of blood sugar in the hemoglobin)


It is a bitter, yellow-colored chemical. It is present in the barberry, goldthread, goldenseal, and Oregon grape. The addition of these fruits to your diet will help you in lowering the FBG and HbA1c. This chemical is beneficial for T2D patients, more specifically. You can also use Berberine supplements, made from herbal extract. Pregnant women cannot opt for this treatment. That’s why it is encouraged to consult a doctor first.


This is a common herb, which we use as a kitchen spice. We can also use it as a flavoring additive or a sweetening agent in various dishes. It imitates insulin activity and helps in increasing sugar transport into the cells.


It is a food spice that helps in lowering high cholesterol and hemoglobin A1c. Its seeds are rich in fiber content. You can take a dose of fenugreek water regularly to deal with diabetes. It has a mild ability to lower blood glucose. If you use fenugreek water, it is possible to have a maple-like odor in urine. But, it is not a thing to worry about. It’s just a harmless side effect of fenugreek water.


In Hindi, we call it ‘Gurmar’ which means ‘sugar destroyer'. The research on this plant evidences that it can prohibit the complications associated with diabetes for a long time. It stimulates insulin production in the body. This, then help in balancing the glucose level in the bloodstream.


Out of many cures for diabetes (sugar ka treatment), the herbal method holds a high rank due to its effectiveness. It is compulsory to follow all the doctor’s instructions to get a cure for diabetes as soon as possible.

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