Herbal Medicines for High Cholesterol


To help you decide which herbs are right for you, we have compiled a list of the best high cholesterol herbal medicines. These include Astragalus, Fenugreek, Guggul, and Garlic. If you are wondering what each one is, you can read more about each of these here. If you are unsure about which herbal medicine is best for your condition, you can also do a Google search for the full list of all the ingredients in these natural remedies.


For centuries, garlic has been valued as a medicinal herb, but recent research has focused on its anti-atherosclerotic properties. A review of studies shows that garlic can lower blood pressure, inhibit platelet aggregation, improve fibrinolytic activity, reduce High cholesterol, and protect the elastic properties of the aorta. If taken as a supplement, garlic has numerous health benefits. This makes it an excellent choice for preventing coronary heart disease.

Researchers from the University of California at San Francisco concluded that garlic can help reduce blood cholesterol levels. In fact, it may have a beneficial effect on patients with type 2 diabetes, as well. Garlic belongs to the Allium sativum family, which is related to the onion, chive, and shallot. Some of the most common uses of garlic are to flavor foods, while others are used topically. The current study was conducted in healthy individuals, so results may not be accurate.


Astragalus is an herbal supplement that contains flavonoids, polysaccharides, and saponins. These compounds have the potential to improve insulin sensitivity, prevent clot formation, and lower blood cholesterol (cholesterol ka ilaj). Flavonoids also act as anti-inflammatories, lowering blood pressure and improving lipid profiles. Astragalus contains amino acids, polysaccharides, and minerals such as selenium and copper. Astragalus has also been used in Chinese medicine for diabetes and other diseases associated with it. In one study, it decreased blood glucose levels and improved insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients.

There are no specific guidelines for the appropriate dosage of astragalus. Generally speaking, it is safe, but you should check with your doctor before using it to avoid any side effects or interactions with other medications. However, many studies show that it can be used safely and is effective in lowering cholesterol levels (cholesterol in urdu). You can find astragalus supplements at health food stores. Sometimes you can find astragalus in raw root form. When buying this supplement, check for the Supplement Facts label.


A recent study conducted in India found that the combination of guggulu and Triphala had no better effects than a placebo on total serum cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, or BMI. However, it did find a positive effect in terms of decreased waist circumference and LDL cholesterol, and the results are encouraging. However, there are several cautions to consider before taking this medicine for cholesterol. These cautions should not prevent you from taking it, but it should not prevent you from speaking to your doctor.

Ayurvedic researchers have long known that guggul has anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties and can prevent blood clots. Further studies have found that guggul can be useful for high cholesterol and hypercholesterolemia. Guggul has also been linked to anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties, and is also being explored as a potential cancer fighter. It is important to note that these effects have yet to be proven in controlled trials, but there are a few promising signs.


In a review of 15 studies published in 2020, researchers found that fenugreek reduced triglycerides, serum cholesterol, and triglyceride fractions. Although the results were modest, they suggested that fenugreek could prevent atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia, and may reduce risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. In addition, the plant has several other properties, including reducing glucose and insulin levels.

Fenugreek is a plant that grows in southeastern Europe and western Asia. It is a nutrient-rich herb with antibacterial, antioxidant, and antitumorigenic properties. Its seeds are consumed for cooking and in garam masala and are used as a seasoning. It also promotes healthy digestion and heart function. Fenugreek is a source of dietary fiber and can help lower cholesterol (cholesterol kam karne ka tarika in urdu).


Soybeans as a herbal medicine has long been touted as a health food. And there's good news for those with high cholesterol: there's now evidence that they may actually lower it. A recent study suggests that soy can lower cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart disease (jigar ki charbi ka ilaj). It was found that soy consumption lowered total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL), a type of cholesterol that clogs the arteries.

Soy products may decrease cholesterol levels, but the evidence isn't strong enough to claim that they can help. One recent study found that eating 25 grams of soy protein daily reduced LDL cholesterol by between three and four percent. However, the effect of soy on cholesterol levels was stronger for whole soy products than for processed soy foods. Soy products contain phytoestrogens and proteins, but also have very little saturated fat. These benefits may be more pronounced in people with high cholesterol.

Red yeast rice

The effectiveness of red yeast rice extract for lowering blood cholesterol (high cholesterol ka desi ilaj) has been studied extensively. Some studies have shown that taking 1.2 grams of red yeast daily will reduce your risk of dying from heart disease by about 40%. In addition, red yeast is known to increase the levels of good cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol. For this reason, it has been recommended for lowering cholesterol in people with high cholesterol. However, beware of red yeast rice extract products that are sold online. They are not standardized and may contain a substance that is not safe for use.

The active ingredient in red yeast rice is monacolin K. While this may not sound dangerous, it is worth keeping in mind that it is also classified as a prescription drug. The FDA recently ordered the withdrawal of one red yeast rice extract product because it contains monacolin K, which is toxic for your kidneys and can cause serious muscle problems. Although the FDA has requested the withdrawal of the red yeast rice extract products, many consumers continue to purchase them online or from overseas pharmacies (castrol ka desi ilaj).

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