What Oil Makes Hair Grow Fast

Long and thick hair is a beauty standard in our minds. Women are more specific about this simple fact. They do not satisfy easily with our hair. Women always prefer using some simple methods to make hair growth a little faster. Typically, we use different hair products for a scalp massage. We have different hair serums, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and oil for this purpose. Among all the available choices, we have the best herbal oil for scalp massage. These herbal hair oils not only help promote hair growth but also diminish the rate of excessive hair loss.


Do we all have the same type of hair?

The most obvious and simplest answer to this question is no. We all have the gene with a different code engraved on it for the appearance of a character. So, we all have different hair genes just like different physical appearances. That’s why we have hair features different from others. We have different hair colors, hairstyles, hair nature, hair strength, and much more about hair qualities. 

Hair loss- a natural process

Apart from all the distinguishing features of hair, we all share a common hair feature. It is hair shedding. We all go through the hair shedding process when more hair follicles transform from the anagen phase to the catagen phase. In such conditions, hair loss of 30 to 150 hairs per day is quite normal. 

Hair does not only sheds from our scalp. Our scalp stimulates more hair follicles to grow simultaneously. So, all the body hairs do not shed at once. The rate of hair growth is always more than or equal to hair loss in normal cases.

Hair loss due to physical changes

Physical changes contribute much to hair loss, creating a panic situation, especially for females. As the process of new hair growth is associated with hair loss, the victim suffers much in such cases. Physical changes may occur due to;

  • Any medical condition 
  • Changes after birth 
  • Nutritional values
  • Hormonal imbalance

How to fast hair growth?

Hair loss is a sign of some sort of physical weakness in the person. The simplest way to induce hair growth is to stimulate the anagen phase. The anagen phase is a state when hair follicles produce a new hair shaft. 

Herbal oils and anagen phase

Scalp massage with the best herbal oil plays a crucial role in providing aid to the anagen phase. We have multiple choices for the selection of herbal oil. We must select a herbal oil that collectively deals with all the hair problems in a good way. It must be compatible with the nature of your hairs as well. 

Best herbal oil for fast hair growth

Roghan badam shirin oil is the best herbal hair oil for fastening hair growth. We made roghan badam shirin oil from the extract of almond oil. Roghan badam shirin use is beneficial for hair growth in the following ways:

Roghan badam shirin deals with scalp conditions

Poor scalp conditions are sometimes responsible for hindering the anagen phase in many cases. Some people have dry patches on their scalp, with a reddish color. These patches cause etching sometimes. Dandruff may also grow in these areas. Hairs on the head do not get proper nourishment and are shed down. On the other hand, new hairs cannot grow under these circumstances. 

Roghan badam shirin helps in healing our scalp. It deals with dandruff in firsthand. Then, it provides nourishment to the scalp to regulate its normal healthy feature, which helps in fast hair growth.

How roghan badam shirin helps in hair growth?

There is no evidence of clinical trials that proves how roghan badam shirin use affects hair growth. But this oil add strength and smoothness to our hairs. Roghan badam shirin contains a high quantity of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that battles against hair problems.


Considering as a beauty feature, women are especially concerned about hair growth. They want long and strong hair. We all love to change our hairstyle with a haircut. So, fast hair growth help in changing the hairstyles. We have roghan badam shirin oil as the best herbal product formulated by Hakim Hafiz Ajmal Khan. Roghan badam shirin oil is known for its effective and satisfying results.


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