What Are The Main Causes Of Diabetes?

Diabetes treatment is necessary for assuring health but diagnosing the type and cause of diabetes is far more important. Do you know that all types of diabetes have almost the same symptoms with slight differences? How can a doctor prescribe medicines for diabetes treatment without confirming its type? Here, we will come to know the main causes of diabetes and respective diabetes treatment for them.


What Is Diabetes?

It is a metabolic disorder due to a hormone called insulin. So, diabetes can either be insulin-dependent or insulin-independent. In both cases, we observe a rise in blood glucose levels.

What Is Another Name For Diabetes? 

We call it diabetes mellitus in common. The word diabetes mellitus is made of two separate words. One is ‘Diabetes’ from Greek, meaning “to pass through”. Other is ‘Mellitus”, a word from Latin that means “sweet”. Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) means excessive sweet (sugar) passing through the bloodstream.

Types Of Diabetes

There are four broad types of diabetes depending upon their causes.

Diabetes Type 1

It is insulin-dependent diabetes. This can arise anytime from preteens to adolescence. Most frequently, it appears in adult age. So, we call it juvenile diabetes as well.

What Happens In T1D? 

Our body cells and muscles cannot absorb glucose without insulin. Beta-cells in the pancreas produce insulin. Due to self-immunization, our body destroys these cells. Insulin production is hindered in such circumstances. This insulin deficiency causes an increase in blood sugar levels.

Causes Of Beta-Cells Malfunctioning In T1D

The degeneration of beta-cells can occur due to any of the following reasons:

  • Genetical basis (a gene transferred from parents to offspring)
  • Gene mutations

The first cause is linked with a person’s family history. But, this is not the case in the second cause as genetic mutations may occur at the type of chromosomes segregations during crossing over. It happens many times that a person inherits diabetes type 1 but remains normal throughout life. The reason is these inherited genes and mutations required a trigger (a viral attack, etc.) for their expression. Destruction of beta-cells is a long process. But once insulin production is affected, the symptoms of increased sugar level (diabetes) become visible.

Treatment for T1D

Since T1D share originates genetically, there is no permanent solution to this disease up till now. Diabetic patients in such cases need lifetime medication.

Diabetes type 2

This type of metabolic disorder results when your body has a sufficient amount of insulin, but cells and muscles refuse to respond to it.

Why cells do cease to respond to T2D?

Our blood vessels absorb nutrients including sugar from digested food. Whenever we dine in, our blood becomes rich in sugar content. This sugar needs the aid of insulin to get into the cells. So, increased sugar level stimulates the insulin hormone secretion from the pancreas. When sugar content in the bloodstream increases more, it puts a burden on our body cells. Hence, they cease to respond to the insulin hormone. Cells face storage of energy. To overcome this energy deficiency, our liver breaks glycogen into glucose and releases it into the bloodstream. But cells still do not respond to insulin. Hence, the level of sugar(sugar ki dawai) in the bloodstream increases.

Causes of T2D

  • Physical inactivity is the major contributor. Most of the individuals that adopt unhealthy lifestyles and diet patterns, put on extra weight in their teens. They become overweight and their cells stop responding to insulin.
  • Other medical issues like high blood pressure, obesity, coronary heart diseases, and other related health factors.

Treatment for T2D

T2D is the main type of diabetes that has affected individuals worldwide. The treatment of T2D is possible from Unani medications. It involves several lifestyle changes (ilaj bil tadbeer), healthy diets (ilaj bil ghiza), and herbal formulations (ilaj bil dawa).

Gestational Diabetes

This type of diabetes occurs during the pregnancy period only. Most of the women get rid of this type after giving birth.

Cause Of Gestational Diabetes

We call this gestational diabetes because it lasts only for the gestation period. Once the gestation period is over and you give birth to a newborn, you will have normal sugar levels in the bloodstream.

Placenta produces a hormone that increases the glucose level in the blood. Normally, our liver produces enough insulin to overcome the issue. But sometimes liver is unable to produce enough insulin to cope with increased blood sugar.

Treatment Of Gestational Diabetes

More than 60% of women develop the symptoms of this type of diabetes during pregnancy. These symptoms usually disappear after childbirth. But such females have a high risk of developing T2D later in their lives. All they have to do is to take care of themselves and adopt a healthy lifestyle and diets after delivery.


We have three basic types of diabetes. Among which T1D is incurable. T2D is the major type of diabetes but if we take proper medication and treatment, we can tackle the situation easily. Gestational diabetes is linked with childbirth. It normally vanishes after the gestation period.

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